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Here is a list of projects realised by IMSD

manufacturing airbus


we have been supporting airbus and smaller suppliers of the transport industry to stabilitze and improve the quality and to reduce the number of iterations without added values (as tests, re-engineering, ...) using in a better way the data available onsite:  the productions is usually happening in dozen of steps, each of them collecting all types of data about the process. If you manage to put them togehter it's very likely that you will find early indicators of future issues that will appear during the testing procedures, the final QC or even through customers non satisfacton claimes: in different companies we identified things as the cooling duration of polymers influencing the precision of measuring instruments, cleaning steps that significantly reduced the number of after sales complains, even monthes of the year of the internal hand over meetings that influenced the final economial margins of the projects.





quality, humidity, roughness, colour, taste, pressure, etc are all criteria that strongly depend on very little changes somewhere in the production process. It can be changes in the suppliers, in the duration of the process, in the climatisation system or even in the temperature of supplied gas. All these parameters are generally monitored but finding out their specific influence on any of these criteria needs a data scientist understanding the process, the data, the metadata, a person able ot merge all these data sources, visualize them in a way that the results can be understood by everyone in the company, from the technicians to the management and to point out the possible and probable dependencies. At IMSD we have been working for bühler, for AOP Cheese,  for Nestlé and many others


services finance



which customer will buy which service next year: every service company would like to know this and we are not able to make the exact list, however we can help you sorting all of them in their future affinity to any product. Let's do it together, and you will be suprised to see that many of your future buyers will be on the list, even more surprised when you will discover during the presention meeting that the best ones possbily already bought it ... as is happened to us in a Swiss Cantonal Bank recently.


Please also look at my linkedin profile and contact me for a short conf call to discuss what a data scientist could bring you in your company.



Rodolphe +41 79 665 12 61, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.