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   This is not artificial intelligence

      as Magritte wrote almost 100 years ago 'Ceci n'est pas une pipe' under his painting we chose
      'This is not artificial intelligence'
      for this daily winter reflex of scratching the window before driving away.

During his talks at in 2022 Jürgen Schmidhuber was correct : AI algorithm existed already 50 years ago, they were just not applied because the hardware was too slow and too expensive. For example today large insurance company pretend to use AI but their data scientist say ‘in fact we just do logistical regressions :-)

What is AI, what is it not ? When will I trust my self driving car to drive me by night through a snowy Swiss mountain road ? Is AI not only ‘in average’ good when I need 100% of the curves to be driven through properly and not just 95%? What is the use for SMEs or Industry 4.0?

At IMSD we are involved in many data science projects, sometimes in small companies, sometimes with international flight industry producers, we always try to help the teams applying the data science technolgies that correspond to their needs. Techniques issued from AI can often be applied but almost always need some skilled safety guards, making sure that the car stops before the curve is missed.

Maybe our next feasability study, fitted to your data and your needs will be for your project ?